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Calendar icon4 January 2013 12:00 am Website Launches

Web Design Case Study - Forces Recruitment Services, Designed and Built by Presto

When specialist ex-forces recruitment consultancy Forces Recruitment Services (FRS) approached us about their website we were immediately excited about the project! FRS have grown from a one-man busi...

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Calendar icon10 December 2012 12:00 am Website Help

A Winter Wonderland of Web Stats!

With Christmas and the New Year fast approaching, here are a few simple ideas to help you make the most of your website in 2013. It won’t take long (we promise) so you’ll soon be back to the sherr...

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Calendar icon13 November 2012 12:00 am CEDIAEventsOpinion

Top 10 Takeaways from The CEDIA Conference 2012

Followers of our Twitter feed may well have spotted some of our "Takeaways" from the recent CEDIA Future of Home Technology Conference . You can only say so much in 140 characters so here, for your de...

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Calendar icon27 September 2012 12:00 am Company NewsEvents

Presto - Finalist in Ely Business Awards 2012!

We’re delighted to announce that Presto is a finalist in the Ely Business Awards 2012! Presto have gone through to the final round of the Ely Business Awards for 2012 in the category of “Small ...

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