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Calendar icon29 July 2013 6:00 am Website Help

Planning a New Website - Part 4: Top 5 Web Terms To Understand

Confused by web terminology? We've explained the top 5 terms used when buying your domain and hosting. Web Hosting / Server Put simply a 'web server' or 'web hosting' service is a computer that's co...

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Calendar icon25 June 2013 8:00 am Website Help

Planning A New Website - Part 3: Graphic Design vs Web Design

If there’s one thing new clients want to discuss first it is how their new website is going to look, but a great website has to deliver more than just a shiny facade... Working with an existing bra...

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Calendar icon11 June 2013 7:00 am Website Help

Planning A New Website - Part 2: Navigation

Navigation is the steering wheel of a website and helps visitors get to the right destination The decision to commission a new website is an exciting time, but with graphical concerns so high on the ...

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Calendar icon17 May 2013 8:00 am Website Help

Planning A New Website - Part 1: Budget

Don't spend too little, don't spend too much.  First line research about a company or organisation tends to happen on the website these days, so it's important that your website reflects what you do...

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