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Calendar icon1 August 2012 12:00 am Website Help

Digital Pictures, Images and Photos - Size Matters!

Asking for a digital picture in Bytes, Kilobytes or even Megabytes is like asking for a printed picture in grams in the old days of print photography. What’s important when thinking about image size...

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Calendar icon28 June 2012 12:00 am Opinion

The Return of the Killer Home Cinema Demonstration

On my first day in the Hi-Fi business, back in the glory days of the mid 1990s, I was taught how to do a great demonstration. My teacher was Steve Reichert, a legend in the AV business and to this d...

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Calendar icon28 June 2012 12:00 am Website Help

New Website Content – 5 Easy Tips To Help Get It Done

Generating content for a new website is easily the least glamorous part of any new web design project. The development time for a new website design project can range from 6-16 weeks or more and it...

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Calendar icon8 June 2012 12:00 am Website HelpOpinion

“All Change Please!” - Is it really time to redesign your website?

To Rebrand or Not? Many agencies delight in the term 'rebrand'. On hearing that word you wouldn’t be alone if your first thoughts were of a new logo, letterheads, business cards, invoices and, of ...

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