How do your users feel when they contact your company, try your service or try to contact your support department? Your 'UX' or 'User Experience' isn't just about how your product interfaces work, it...
Read MoreEver wondered what other data gets added to every simple email message you send? What information you are giving away when you share a meeting confirmation with a colleague or those holiday pictures ...
Read MoreChoosing a home broadband provider sometimes comes down to the technology available at the property. It can range from 'old school' copper lines to 'full fat' fibre to the premises (FTTP). Resulting s...
Read MoreWhen you are a web designer the need to deliver pages as fast as possible is a constant concern. With home control systems it should be no different. In his latest article for Connected Home magazine...
Read MoreIn a recent CEDIA podcast our owner Geoff Meads was invited along to talk about project photography alongside professional photographer (and Presto client) Peter Crane from Whiteroom Technology. The ...
Read MoreContact forms have been a staple in website design for many years. A favourite of the marketing department, their aim is simple – to collect customer enquiries and data. But, unless they’re carefu...
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